Global Passion

The overarching global outreach arm of the minisitry of Boyette Springs Church of God. Our vision is to support mission work in variousl regions across the world. From here at home in the USA to Israel, Thailand, Romania, Africa and South America. All monies given into our Global Passion fund go directly to the mission field. The first 10% goes to Israeal, the remaining is divided evenly among the other 7 areas we support on a monthly basis.

"Cast your bread upon the waters, For you will find it after many days. Give a serving to seven, and also to eight, For you do not know what evil will be on the earth." - Ecclesiastes 11:1-2

The return of Jewish people to their homeland is nothing short of a Divine miracle. As in the first Exodus from Egypt where God made a way for the Jews to return to the Promised Land, today He is calling them home from the nations where they have been scattered for the past 2000 years. At the same time, God is beckoning to Gentile believers in the Jewish Messiah to be involved and assist them in their return to Israel.

Imagine, you just left the security of your home, you’ve moved to a foreign land, you don’t know the language, the culture, where to shop, to bank, to send your children to school or even how to pronounce the name of the street you live on… You’ve been told the surrounding nations have pledged to destroy your new country. Yet, deep in your heart you know you belong in this place, it is your destiny, that’s why you’re here.

The third role of ministry to Israel is to be a voice to the nations regarding the restoration of the nation of Israel and the responsibility of the Church to God’s chosen people. In our time the most important aspect of prophecy, the restoration of the nation of Israel, is happening before our very eyes. God not only wants us to be aware, he wants us to be involved in what he’s doing on the planet.

For children with nowhere to go and who have suffered loss of parenting due to abandonment, abuse, neglect, and death, these words are more than just a cliché. They represent the beginning of a journey toward healing and wholeness. Situated among the horse and cattle ranches of Marion County, Florida, Heart of Florida Youth Ranch provides a rural atmosphere conducive to nurturing and growth.

We believe children grow up best in healthy families. When it is necessary for a child to live apart from their family, we provide quality, compassionate care and remain focused on reuniting the child and family. When reunification is not an option, our focus becomes the best option for permanency for the child.

We provide exceptional care for at-risk children and teens through our

Adoption, Foster Care and Residential programs. Through family counseling, individual therapy, educational opportunities and structured group living, the Smoky Mountain Children’s Home provides a continuum

of care tailored for each child's need. Creating a safe and supportive environment allows each child to discover their talents and build on their strengths. This is accomplished by the excellent care of a trained staff and provides each child the opportunity to overcome the circumstances of their past, while exploring a world of opportunity for their future.

Our mission at A Door of Hope is to provide hope for kids in crisis by providing loving, Christian foster homes in Tampa Bay.


At Door of Hope, our vision is to exemplify God’s love for foster children and families by providing a Christian home for every foster child and biblical counsel and supportive services through our partnership with the Christian community.


A Door of Hope exists for the purposes of glorifying God and providing hope for kids in crisis by fulfilling the spiritual mandate to care for the modern-day orphan.

Casa Shalom was founded in 1986 by Dr. Rick and Jan Waldrop, missionaries from the United States. The home began with three children and is now home to 100 children from all over the country of Guatemala. Boys and girls come to Casa Shalom after being orphaned, abandoned, abused or neglected by their families, and sometimes come from families who are simply too poor to care for them. Josh and Jessica Hanson!  The Hansons have served at full-time missionaries at Casa Shalom since 2008, and as directors of the orphanage since 2010. The Hansons are legal guardians of all of Casa Shalom’s children, and oversee the orphanage staff to ensure the children’s education, spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. The Hansons also facilitate all social media and donor communication, as well as fundraising for the orphanage budget. Josh and Jessica have one daughter, Sophia, and one son, baby Judah.

Thailand | Andrew & Jacki Quinley

Andrew and Jacki are passionate about reaching the youth of Thailand. In a nation where less than one percent of the population claims to believe in Jesus, they understand the importance of empowering young Christians and reaching Thais while they are still searching. Through genuine relationships with nearby university students, they help disciple new Christians and introduce others to Jesus.

Romania | Michael & Mihaela Gravitt

We have served in Sibiu Romania as missionaries since 2007. God spoke very clearly to us and the leaders in our lives, and we knew it was our time to go! When we first sold all our belongings and became missionaries we could not have guessed how many adventures God would lead us on. Some roads were not very pretty, but the souls waiting at the other side made the journey well worth it.

We will never forget the moment that 24 youth gave their hearts to Christ while weeping and confessing sins of all kinds openly at the altar. It was at a youth retreat that we conducted on a mountain campground near our city. God still moves! We are so grateful and humbled that God chose us to do His kingdom work internationally. And the biggest joy has been watching His Holy Spirit change lives again and again.

Africa | Alex and Leah Abiola

Alex and Leah serve as the overseers to Nigeria and Superintendents to anglophone West Africa. With a ministry that includes ministerial education, medical missions, family and marital counseling, substance abuse counseling, and outreach to children and poor, they have touched many lives. They served as missionaries to the Republic of Ireland from December 2004 to July 2010.  From 2010-2012, they were missionaries in Nigeria. From 2012 to present, they have served as missionaries/Administrative Overseer, and from 2018 to present also serve as Superintendent to the anglophone West Africa countries.  Living in Lagos, Nigeria, the Abiolas are strategically located to minister to the entire country and the surrounding countries.



12114 Boyette Rd. * Riverview, FL 33569

